Friday, March 1, 2013

Cold Weather Animals

The students have been researching and learning about cold weather animals. Students read books, researched on Encyclopedia Britannica, and then wrote expository paragraphs to share their information. Here are a couple of the student's paragraphs:

Blue whales

Do you want to learn about blue whales? Well I'm
going to tell you. Whales are the largest mammals on

earth. They are huge mammals. A blue whale breaths

through nostrils called blowholes. Did you now

whales can have up 2 blowholes.Blue whales feast on

tiny shrimp -like animals called krill. Krill are big fish.

A mother blue whale give birth to a calf underwater.

Did you now baby whales are called calf? Wow! That

is all facts about whales!

Do you want to know a few things about dolphins? Well I'll tell you some facts. Dolphins like to play and do tricks. They race through the sea to get away from sharks. Dolphins spin on there tails just for fun. A dolphin uses its
same sound for its whole life. Wow! Now you know a few things about dolphins.


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